STR Teknikk

Dr. philos. Einar Stranden

Venous investigations with


venous compression unit

The VenoPulse unit facilitates venous ultrasound reflux investigations in patients with venous insufficiency (venous dysfunction, varicose veins, venous leg ulcers). The unit rapidly inflates and deflates a pneumatic cuff placed at the calf level, activated by a foot-switch. This technique eliminates the need for extra helping hands for manual calf compression, ensures the acquisition of homologous tests and enables the sonographer to concentrate on providing adequate scan images during the test. In the example below from the junction between the short saphenous vein (SSV) and popliteal vein (PV), reflux in both is verified by the retrograde blood flow during cuff deflation.

A reflux lasting longer than 0.5 s is regarded pathological:

The VenoPulse unit may be attached to the ultrasound scanner, for instance within the left side auxiliary compartment in a GE Logiq 9 scanner:


Rikke Broholm and coworkers have recently published a study using the VenoPulse unit concluding that pneumatic cuff compression is superior to manual compression in examining venous insufficiency.


No pressurized air connector in the room?

You may connect the VenoPulse to an air compressor. A very suitable unit is described here.



The VenoPulse unit, except pneumatic cuff, comes with two years warranty.


User manuals

You find the user manual for Norway here.

You find the user manual for Sweden and Denmark here.

You find the user manual for Finland here.


For delivery time and price, contact us at



Broholm 11 Manual vs. pneumatic cuff compression

Coleridge-Smith 06 Duplex Consensus I

Cavezzi 06 Duplex Consensus II

Danielsson 03 Reflux

Labropoulos 04 SFJ reflux

Rosales 06 External valve plasty

Slagsvold 05 Venous ulcers (Norwegian)

Stranden 05 Arterial ulcers (Norwegian)

Stranden 05 Evaluation of vascular reconstructions

Stranden 04 Venous physiology (Norwegian)

Stranden 04 Venous pathophysiology (Norwegian)

Stranden 04 Venodynamics

Stranden 86 Venous pressure gradients